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U-2S!! This is a big one and may be my favorite of the year. In my opinion, the U-2 is the perfect military aircraft – blending equal amounts cool, class, and history.


The U-2:


Flying at near space altitudes of over 70,000 feet, the U.S. Air Force's U-2, known as the "Dragon Lady," is a highly versatile, all-weather surveillance and reconnaissance aircraft that first took flight in 1955.


Throughout the Cold War and beyond, the U-2 played a pivotal role in delivering vital imagery and signals intelligence to U.S. and Allied forces, while also supporting numerous multinational NATO operations.


With its glider-like design, the U-2 can rapidly carry heavy sensor payloads to unparalleled altitudes, sustaining flight for extended missions. In 1967, the Dragon Lady was upgraded to the U-2R and later, the U-2S, featuring a significantly larger airframe with a 105-foot wingspan, a fuel-efficient GE F-118 turbofan engine, and improved sensors and guidance systems.


Today, the airframe remains a critical asset for the U.S. Air Force and NASA, providing essential intelligence, satellite calibration, scientific research, and communications. This is the U-2 Dragon Lady.


The tags:


Our U-2S tags have been cut from a removed canopy off U-2S 80-1071; Article 071. This canopy was found at a boneyard in a crate with a windscreen and other neat artifacts.


U-2S 80-1071 was constructed as a U-2R and was the first R to get converted into the U-2S “Senior Year.” This canopy was marked and tagged.


The tags are offered in 6 variants: Clear Printed, Clear Laser Etched, Black, Black/Clear, Black/Clear FG (fiberglass), and Canopy Rail. All variants come on a card with art by BVR.


The Clear Printed tags get a fully printed design featuring a white aircraft and text along with a full-color printed design behind it.


The Clear Laser etched are fully clear and come with a laser etched design – these are very clean and crisp tags.


The Black tags feature a white etching, much like our first U-2 tag, and the Black/Clear are laser etched as well.


The Black/Clear FG tags were cut from where the rail interfaces the clear glass and come with a subdued black printed design.


The Canopy Rail tags were cut to be entirely black metal and feature a full cross-section of where the rail/frame and canopy interface. These, like other previous U-2 Canopy Rail tags, will come on a special edition METAL card.


There are 2 Sets available:


Senior Set – Clear Printed tag + Black tag + AD303 Standard Air Drop. For more information about the Air Drop, please visit the Air Drops page.


Full Set – All 6 tags. Only 3 Full Sets are available.


The windscreen we mentioned earlier would normally be an item we kept aside, but this example was already cut/de-milled. We’ve removed the metal frame and internal metal structure and salvaged enough material to make a very limited Air Drop – AD303. This windscreen is neat because it is one of the original 3-pane windscreens – not the single-piece that are flown on the modern jets.


To purchase an individual Air Drop, please visit its listing on the Air Drops page.


Artwork for the Air Drops is provided by Ryan Quickfall.

U-2S Dragon Lady 80-1071 Canopy Tag

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