In the original 1986 Top Gun film the main adversary aircraft was a MiG-28. This aircraft was portrayed by a black F-5 Tiger. The Jet-Eyes MiG-28 Canopy tags pay homage to this adversary aircraft and are cut from the windscreen of an F-5.
These tags are the thickest canopy/window tags Jet-Eyes has ever released at a whopping 5/8" thick! They were printed with a green gunsight/reticle on the front of the tag and top down aircraft art on the back.
The MiG-28 tags come with a cardback that features stunning art by BVR and ultra-detailed tag art provided by Planeform.
Only 50 MiG-28 canopy tags will ever be made. This tag is also offered in a combo set with the F-14A Adversary tag and can be found on the homepage.
MiG-28 Canopy Tag